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5 things you need to know about CPR

22. 7. 2019

Do you know your CPR? Learn the basics and help save lives. Every year 4,000 Europeans are killed in fires - NKT and the rest of the power and construction industry can help change that. Europacable has launched second phase of CPR Awareness campaign after successful start. The campaign aims to step change the way the market understands the impact of the renewed Construction Products Regulation (CPR) over the cable industry.

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1. 4,000 people die in fire incidents each year. It’s up to us to bring this down!
Fire in buildings and civil engineering works takes a heavy toll on human lives. 4000 people in Europe are still killed by fire every year1. Although the CPR classification allows a better assessment, many of the National Regulations that set rules for local fire safety have failed to keep pace.
The increase in the amount of cables in buildings implies a high risk of spreading fire if the wrong cables are chosen. Therefore, Europacable recommend Low Fire-Hazard cables for buildings with high and very high safety requirements.
2. Transparent classification on reaction to fire. Now it’s easy to choose!
The Construction Products Regulation (CPR) provides a common technical language to assess the performance of construction products. It ensures that reliable information is available to professionals, public authorities, and consumers, so they can select the right cable for the fire risk of the construction.
3. CE mark and DoP are essential. Get to know them!
The CE marking is a legal requirement that confirms the compliance of a product with all relevant Directives and Regulations. CE marking under CPR requires, beside the CE mark, accompanying information about the product, its testing or certification and its performance.
The Declaration of Performance (DoP) is the confirmation of the performance of the product by the manufacturer and is signed by a manufacturer responsible. Furthermore, the manufacturer must make available the DoP in an easy understandable language or in the language that is required by the Member State where the product is placed on the marked.
4. Time to choose the right cable!
Each EU Member State regulates the level of performance necessary to assure the required level of fire safety depending from the type of construction and local building techniques. Regulations are different from country to country and it’s a duty of the entire supply chain and of Specifiers to be informed about the classes required in their countries.
5. CPR is Your responsibility too!
Whatever is your role in the cable supply chain, you have precise legal responsibilities on safety in case of fire and on compliance with the CPR, which obliges wholesalers, specifiers and installers in the European Union , distribute, prescribe and install cables that cable manufacturers produce cables which comply with the harmonized standard EN 50575.
Learn more about your responsibilities on fire safety and how to comply: cpr.europacable.eu

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